Hania is Professor and Chair of Pediatrics at the Medical University of Warsaw, (The Second Department of Paediatrics). In 2002, she founded the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) in her institution, and is now contributing to both under- and postgraduate teaching of EBM. Her research experience includes designing, conducting, and analyzing randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews, leading to numerous publications in peer-reviewed international journals and chapters in books. Her main research focus is related to pediatric nutrition (prevention of diseases through nutrition, celiac disease, acute and chronic diarrheal diseases, food allergy, probiotics and prebiotics).
Dr. Szajewska serves as Secretary of the Committee on Nutrition of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN). Previously, she served as a member of the Council of the ESPGHAN (1999-2001). She is a member of several editorial boards, including the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.
Dr. Szajewska participated as a partner in two EU-supported projects (1. European multicentre study on celiac disease and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (1999-2003); 2. European platform for research on prevention and treatment of celiac disease: a multidisciplinary approach to integrate basic knowledge in clinical applications and food industry (2005-2006) PREVENTCD is her third EU-supported project.